Rolling Life is a project where a group of people travels with a camera, recording the miles covered, projecting their images and the work they do to achieve their goals. It's an audiovisual, personal and social work.
This project is a traveling production. The images that we take are edited and shown on the same road. This way we share the experience with the people we meet and also with those who have decided to join us at any moment in the journey.
One of the main aims of Rolling Life is to give social and humanitarian service. In our stops, we offer to the population a direct contact with the audiovisual material, giving them the chance of learning how to use it and sharing with them the magic of the seventh art. This way, we promote the genre, helping with the cultural and economic activity of these regions.
Rolling Life is to be awake, to share cultures, is give the chance to travel to someone who doesn't have it.
The project, beyond the graphic material generated, pretends to break borders, routines and conventionalisms.
RL is a video documentary that belongs to ANTAR FILMS, a production company from Mar del Plata, Argentina.
The financing of RL comes from the Sponsors and collaborators who trust in our work and
believe in the project. They have decided to go with us in this journey and to help the people that need it most.
Once the basic needs of RL and the production costs are covered, all the economic collection is destinated to: donate audiovisual material and help to cover primal needs.